Hey, my name is Kiran 👋

I’m a software engineer in San Francisco, CA and the writer of Money,Tech & Society.

About a year & a half ago, I was working at a deep tech startup when I realized that I

a) had no idea what was going in technology

b) what I wanted to do.

Unsure of my thoughts and since writing is critically examining your thinking, I decided to start writing.

And after being raised in the Bay, stewing in tech culture, talking to dozens of friends, at all levels of success, I discovered one thing: Smart people are starved for discussion.

Through this experience, I came to believe that while technology grants us the power to do incredible things, people have very little idea around the direction of tech & what role it should play in our developing world.

This newsletter gives you:

a) Takes on navigating changes in money, technology & society.

b) A reason to be optimistic.

c) Feels like you’re chatting with a (hopefully) knowledgeable friend that encourages reflection on life.

Here are a few of my popular posts to give you a sense of what to expect:

If that sounds fun, catch me in your inbox and subscribe below! See y’all around :)

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Discover how money, tech and society shape our lives. 10/10 stories, 5/10 art. Check it out 👇🏾


Host of SF Writing Club (see @joinwritingclub on Twitter/X) :). Writing about how money, tech and society shapes our lives :)